Recruitment at the Highest Level

Confidential, Discreet, Intelligent

Recruitment at the Highest Level

Confidential, Discreet, Intelligent

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Achieve Excellence Through Innovative Recruitment

Nowadays, excessive information is both a premium and an issue in recruiting suitable candidates for companies. At BiCoastal Recruiting Partners, we work with clients to ensure every mandate and recruitment process is accurate and precise.

What We Offer

  • Hedge Fund Recruitment
  • Private Equity Recruitment
  • Real Estate Recruitment
  • Data Science and Analytics Recruitment
  • Financial Services Recruitment
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Who We Are

BiCoastal Recruiting Partners is a recruitment firm focusing on selective mandates for domestic and international clients. We have experienced recruiters who understand financial markets to ensure they execute the mandates accurately.

Our recruiters believe confidentiality needs to be protected above all else while providing the best results possible.

Your Global Recruitment Partner

BiCoastal Recruiting Partners takes on search mandates in cities both domestically and abroad for Hedge Funds, Private Equity Firms, BDCs, and Alternative Investment Platforms.

Talk to an Experienced Recruiter

Please schedule an appointment if you want to know more about our recruitment process and how we select the best candidates for the career opportunities you offer. We will be happy to discuss the best solutions that meet your requirements.